worked OT4A from Belgium on 10m ssb Amateur radio, your passport to the world 2:25 1 month ago 31 Далее Скачать
worked OT4A from Belgium on 10m ssb Amateur radio, your passport to the world 0:37 9 days ago 28 Далее Скачать
worked OQ24YOTA from Belgium on 10m ssb Amateur radio, your passport to the world 0:33 11 days ago 45 Далее Скачать
worked OT5IDPD from Belgium on 10m ssb Amateur radio, your passport to the world 1:06 1 month ago 18 Далее Скачать
worked OO80BB from Belgium on 10m ssb Amateur radio, your passport to the world 2:22 1 month ago 51 Далее Скачать
worked OR0A from Belgium on 10m ssb (ARRL 10m contest) Amateur radio, your passport to the world 0:41 4 days ago 10 Далее Скачать
worked MI0YBH from Northern Ireland on 10m ssb Amateur radio, your passport to the world 1:07 1 month ago 137 Далее Скачать
worked AZ1D from Argentina on 10m ssb (ARRL 10m contest) Amateur radio, your passport to the world 1:36 2 days ago 8 Далее Скачать
worked KH7M from Hawaii on 10m ssb (ARRL 10m contest) Amateur radio, your passport to the world 1:03 3 days ago 4 Далее Скачать
worked M0TRP from England on 10m ssb Amateur radio, your passport to the world 1:33 1 month ago 7 Далее Скачать
worked GB24YOTA from England on 10m ssb Amateur radio, your passport to the world 0:48 12 days ago 44 Далее Скачать
worked OM3TWM from Slovak Republic on 10m ssb Amateur radio, your passport to the world 1:08 3 weeks ago 107 Далее Скачать
worked PA1CC from Netherlands on 10m ssb Amateur radio, your passport to the world 1:08 1 month ago 33 Далее Скачать
worked ZS6LZ from South Africa on 10m ssb Amateur radio, your passport to the world 6:05 2 weeks ago 24 Далее Скачать
worked HI3T from Dominican Republic on 10m ssb (ARRL 10m contest) Amateur radio, your passport to the world 2:24 2 days ago 16 Далее Скачать
worked TK4TH from Corsica on 10m ssb (ARRL 10m contest) Amateur radio, your passport to the world 1:59 3 days ago 10 Далее Скачать
worked LR1E from Argentina on 10m ssb (ARRL 10m contest) Amateur radio, your passport to the world 0:32 2 days ago 19 Далее Скачать
worked HK1T from Columbia on 10m ssb (ARRL 10m contest) Amateur radio, your passport to the world 0:29 3 days ago 12 Далее Скачать
worked II9P from Italy on 10m ssb (ARRL 10m contest) Amateur radio, your passport to the world 0:58 4 days ago 4 Далее Скачать